EFC Bembel Beduinen

The first official fan club on all continents




Ei, guude, wie dann, hääa?

The EFC Bembel Beduinen greet you on their Hessian dialect which means in English: Hi, how are you?

Enjoy your tour on our website. Get to know us first hand, follow our widely ramified activities.

Learn exciting things around our team Eintracht Frankfurt. Gain an insight into the activities of our hometown Frankfurt am Main in Arabia.

Summa summarum, we are looking forward to seeing you soon in the irresistible EFC Bembel Beduinen world of the “One Thousand and One Nights”.

Good bye! Isch mach weidä!


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Additionally you can also find us on Facebook. (https://www.facebook.com/BembelBeduinen/)